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Tutorial: Creating Titles With Pizzazz in Sony Vegas Pro

David McKnight demonstrates a quick, 简单的方法生成锐利的标题为您的维加斯专业项目,不需要额外的插件.

教程:创建标题Pizzazz在索尼维加斯专业12 from Steve Nathans-Kelly on Vimeo.

Here's a quick, 简单的方法生成锐利的标题为您的维加斯专业项目,不需要额外的插件, based on a recent McKnight Video 项目,但适用于所有需要一些额外的刺激的标题的情况.

First, a little background. I was cataloging some stock FX we had recently bought; these were both compositing filters and After Effects project files. You've all seen these types of offerings from Rampant Design, FootageFirm, VideoBlocks, and Digital Juice. 所讨论的文件包含了After Effects项目文件, 所有的图形和镜头需要在使用模板, and a sample video of what the results can look like. 我实际上已经忘记了我们买了这些After Effects模板.

I’ve said it before, 我要再说一遍:After Effects是我不介意学习的程序之一,但我从来没有时间去学习它. Curious, 我打开了其中一张光盘,并启动了预览视频,对我仍然无法掌握的美妙结果抛媚眼, and realized that with the nifty background they provided, I could use Vegas to accomplish something very similar. 我可以快速重复地做,在我目前正在做的项目中. Profit!

本文附带的视频将引导您一步一步地完成此操作, and I've also included this text as a reference. 这个视频非常详细,但一旦你掌握了窍门,就不会花很长时间.

Adding Text to Your Background Loop

You will need the following items: Vegas Pro, and a background loop or image available from many sources, such as Rampant Design, FootageFirm, VideoBlocks, or DigitalJuice.

Place the background loop on a video track. In the one I'm using in this example, shown in Figure 1 (below)在美国,有粒子发射器在蓝色背景下产生火花. They scroll by the screen every so often and explode. We will be flying text in to coincide with these explosions.

Figure 1. The background loop I’ll use in this example, 其中包括在蓝色背景下产生火花的粒子发射器.

On a track above the background track create a text event. Vegas Pro comes with several title generators by default; for this exercise we are using the Titles & Text module (Figure 2, below),然后选择要显示的字体、大小和文本.

Figure 2. Vegas Pro’s Titles & Text module.

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